Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



aiAI controller for this mob - only active if is_npc is TRUE, in which case it's called by the mobAI loop at a frequency depending on mob flags
ai_tick_scheduleused for load balancing mob_ai ticks
ai_typeType path for the ai holder. Set to have the aiHolder instantiated on New()
being_controlledA flag set temporarily when a mob is being forced to say something, used to avoid HORRIBLE SPAGHETTI in say logging. I'm sorry okay.
factionFor assigning mobs various factions, see for definitions
last_antag_popupStores the name of the last antag popup shown to the mob
last_radiation_dose_timelast time this mob got dosed with radiation
no_stamina_stunsIf TRUE then this mob won't be fully stunned by stamina stuns
observingset to observed mob if you're currently observing a mob, otherwise null
radiation_dosestores total accumulated radiation dose
radiation_dose_decaynatural decay of radiation exposure
trigger_emotesA list of emotes that trigger a special action for this mob
use_ai_toggleDo we add the special "Toggle AI" ability to this mob?


add_stam_mod_maxAdds a stamina max modifier with the given key. This uses unique keys to allow for "categories" of max modifiers - so you can only have one food buff etc. If you get a buff of a category you already have, nothing will happen.
apply_color_matrixAdds a 20-length color matrix to the mob's list of color matrices cmatrix is the color matrix (must be a 16-length list!), label is the string to be used for dupe checks and removal
apply_custom_keybindsApplies the client's custom keybind changelist, fetched from the cloud.
attack_effectsAfter attack
build_keybind_stylesAdditiviely applies keybind styles onto the client's keymap.
calculate_bonus_damageReturns flat bonus damage to unarmed attacks - can also modify the attackResults passed in, e.g. to add to after_effects
calculate_bonus_stam_damagereturns additive adjustment to stamina damage for unarmed attacks (applied before stamina damage multiplier)
cancel_typingHide the typing indicator. The source signifies what action the user was typing for.
check_attack_resistanceTarget damage modifiers
closeContextActionsThe move param specifies whether the close call is generated by the mob moving
disarmDisarm intent
do_helpHelp intent
double_clickThis proc is called when a mob double clicks on something with the left mouse button. Return TRUE if the click was handled, FALSE otherwise. Handled doubleclicks will suppress the Click() call that follows. (Note that the Click() call for the first click always happens.)
emp_touchyHelper procs
equipment_listLegally distinct from equipped_list, this gets all items from equipment slots and not hands!
fake_damageMISC BULLSHIT
find_radiosearch for any radio device, starting with hands and then equipment anything else is arbitrarily too deeply hidden and stowed away to get the signal (more practically, they won't hear it)
find_tool_in_handGiven a tool flag, returns the src mob's tool in hand that matches the flag, or null
get_ability_hotkeyReturn the ability bound to the pressed ability hotkey combination
get_base_damage_multiplier/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Calculate damage ////////////////////////////////////////// multipler to unarmed attack damage dealt
get_gangReturns the gang datum of this mob, provided they have one. Otherwise returns false.
get_hudReturns the default HUD of the mob, whatever that may be
get_stam_mod_maxReturns the total modifier for stamina max
get_staminaReturns current stamina
get_taken_base_damage_multipliermultipler to unarmed damage received
get_vampire_bloodHelper procs
handle_stamina_critResponsible for executing critical hits to stamina
initializeBioholderdo you want your mob to have custom hairstyles and stuff? don't use spawns but set all of those properties here
melee_attack_testTargeting checks
notes_aliasshortcut for the Notes - View verb
observeMobset_loc(mob) and set src.observing properly - use this to observe a mob, so it can be handled properly on deletion
parry_or_dodgereturn 1 on successful dodge or parry, 0 on fail
playsound_local_not_inworldlike playsound_local but without a source atom, this just plays at a given volume
remove_color_matrixRemoves whichever matrix is associated with the label. Must be a string!
remove_stam_mod_maxRemoves a stamina max modifier with the given key.
reset_keymapBuilds the mob's keybind styles, checks for valid movement controllers, and finally sets the keymap.
revenge_stun_reductionAdds 'get up' stun reduction, from taking beatdown damage.
set_a_intentused to set the a_intent var of a mob
stamina_stunChecks if mob should be stunned for being at or below 0 stamina and then does so.
start_typingShow the typing indicator. The source signifies what action the user is typing for.
step_towards_movedelaylike step_towards(), but respects move delay etc.
stopObservingcalled when the observed mob is deleted, override for custom behaviour.
take_radiation_doseabsorb radiation dose in Sieverts (note 0.4Sv is enough to make someone sick. 2Sv is enough to make someone dead without treatment, 4Sv is enough to make them dead.)
update_active_matrixMultiplies all of the mob's color matrices together and puts the result into src.active_color_matrix This matrix will be applied to the mob at the end of this proc, and any time the client logs in
werewolf_transformHelper procs

Var Details


AI controller for this mob - only active if is_npc is TRUE, in which case it's called by the mobAI loop at a frequency depending on mob flags


used for load balancing mob_ai ticks


Type path for the ai holder. Set to have the aiHolder instantiated on New()


A flag set temporarily when a mob is being forced to say something, used to avoid HORRIBLE SPAGHETTI in say logging. I'm sorry okay.


For assigning mobs various factions, see for definitions


Stores the name of the last antag popup shown to the mob


last time this mob got dosed with radiation


If TRUE then this mob won't be fully stunned by stamina stuns


set to observed mob if you're currently observing a mob, otherwise null


stores total accumulated radiation dose


natural decay of radiation exposure



Tracks open UIs for a user.


A list of emotes that trigger a special action for this mob


Do we add the special "Toggle AI" ability to this mob?

Proc Details




Adds a stamina max modifier with the given key. This uses unique keys to allow for "categories" of max modifiers - so you can only have one food buff etc. If you get a buff of a category you already have, nothing will happen.


Adds a 20-length color matrix to the mob's list of color matrices cmatrix is the color matrix (must be a 16-length list!), label is the string to be used for dupe checks and removal


Applies the client's custom keybind changelist, fetched from the cloud.

Called by build_keybind_styles if not resetting the custom keybinds of a u


After attack


Additiviely applies keybind styles onto the client's keymap.

To be extended upon in children types that want to have special keybind handling.

Call this proc first, and then do your specific application of keybind styles.


Returns flat bonus damage to unarmed attacks - can also modify the attackResults passed in, e.g. to add to after_effects


returns additive adjustment to stamina damage for unarmed attacks (applied before stamina damage multiplier)


Hide the typing indicator. The source signifies what action the user was typing for.


Target damage modifiers


The move param specifies whether the close call is generated by the mob moving


Disarm intent


Help intent


This proc is called when a mob double clicks on something with the left mouse button. Return TRUE if the click was handled, FALSE otherwise. Handled doubleclicks will suppress the Click() call that follows. (Note that the Click() call for the first click always happens.)


Helper procs


Legally distinct from equipped_list, this gets all items from equipment slots and not hands!




search for any radio device, starting with hands and then equipment anything else is arbitrarily too deeply hidden and stowed away to get the signal (more practically, they won't hear it)


Given a tool flag, returns the src mob's tool in hand that matches the flag, or null


Return the ability bound to the pressed ability hotkey combination


/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Calculate damage ////////////////////////////////////////// multipler to unarmed attack damage dealt


Returns the gang datum of this mob, provided they have one. Otherwise returns false.


Returns the default HUD of the mob, whatever that may be


Returns the total modifier for stamina max


Returns current stamina


multipler to unarmed damage received


Helper procs


Responsible for executing critical hits to stamina


do you want your mob to have custom hairstyles and stuff? don't use spawns but set all of those properties here


Targeting checks


shortcut for the Notes - View verb


set_loc(mob) and set src.observing properly - use this to observe a mob, so it can be handled properly on deletion


return 1 on successful dodge or parry, 0 on fail


like playsound_local but without a source atom, this just plays at a given volume


Removes whichever matrix is associated with the label. Must be a string!


Removes a stamina max modifier with the given key.


Builds the mob's keybind styles, checks for valid movement controllers, and finally sets the keymap.

Called on: Login, Vehicle change, WASD/TG/AZERTY toggle, Keybind menu Reset


Adds 'get up' stun reduction, from taking beatdown damage.




used to set the a_intent var of a mob



Standard interaction/sanity checks. Different mob types may have overrides.

return UI_state The state of the UI.


Checks if mob should be stunned for being at or below 0 stamina and then does so.

This is in a proc so we can easily instantly apply the stun from other areas of the game.

For example: You'd put this on a weapon after it removes stamina to make sure the stun applies instantly and not on the next life tick.


Show the typing indicator. The source signifies what action the user is typing for.


like step_towards(), but respects move delay etc.


called when the observed mob is deleted, override for custom behaviour.


absorb radiation dose in Sieverts (note 0.4Sv is enough to make someone sick. 2Sv is enough to make someone dead without treatment, 4Sv is enough to make them dead.)


Multiplies all of the mob's color matrices together and puts the result into src.active_color_matrix This matrix will be applied to the mob at the end of this proc, and any time the client logs in


Helper procs