Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



forensic_IDif gun/bullet related, forensic profile of it


CreateIDcreates an id profile for any forenics purpose. override as needed
allowedDetermines if a mob is allowed to use an object (or pass through
can_access_remotely_defaultDetermines whether or not the user can remote access devices. This is typically limited to Borgs and AI things that have inherent packet abilities.
check_implanted_access@param {mob} M Mob of which to check the implanted credentials
get_chemical_effect_positionhow many pixels up or down chemistry reaction animations should shift, to fit the item it's reacting in
hideWhether or not to hide something based on the value of hide, usually whether or not the turf is intact.
remove_artifact_formsRemoves all artifact forms attached to this and makes them fall to the floor Because artifacts often like to disappear in mysterious ways
shatter_chemicallyshatter effect, caused by chemicals inside object, should return TRUE if object actually shatters

Var Details


if gun/bullet related, forensic profile of it

Proc Details


creates an id profile for any forenics purpose. override as needed


Determines if a mob is allowed to use an object (or pass through

@param {mob} M Mob of which to check the credentials

@return {int} Whether mob has sufficient access (0=no, 1=implicit, 2=explicit)


Determines whether or not the user can remote access devices. This is typically limited to Borgs and AI things that have inherent packet abilities.


@param {mob} M Mob of which to check the implanted credentials

@return {bool} Whether mob has sufficient access via its implant


how many pixels up or down chemistry reaction animations should shift, to fit the item it's reacting in


Whether or not to hide something based on the value of hide, usually whether or not the turf is intact.


Removes all artifact forms attached to this and makes them fall to the floor Because artifacts often like to disappear in mysterious ways


shatter effect, caused by chemicals inside object, should return TRUE if object actually shatters