Vars | |
ailment_immune | completely immune to catching and spreading disease/medical-like ailments |
applied_patches | all applied patches (ex. medical patches) |
do_hurt_slowdown | do we slow down when hurt? |
spell_soulguard | Tracks status of soalguard respawn on mob. SOULGUARD_INACTIVE, SOULGUARD_SPELL when from wizard ability, SOULGUARD_RING when from wizard ring. |
void_mindswappable | are we compatible with the void mindswapper? |
Procs | |
add_food_bonus | Special wrapper to add food status effects, due to special overriding and duration behavior. |
can_be_converted_to_the_revolution | Checks whether a mob can be converted to the revolution by use of a flash, revolutionary flash, revolutionary flashbang, or violence. |
capitalize_speech | returns true if first letter of things that person says should be capitalized |
contract_disease | Contract the specified disease. @param ailment_path Path of the ailment to add. If both ailment_path and ailment_name are passed, this is used. @param ailment_name Name of the ailment to add. This is not cosmetic; the ailment type is retrieved via this name. @param strain Instance of the ailment to add. Used to transfer an existing ailment to a person (such as in the case of a diseased organ transplant) @param bypass_resistance If disease resistance should be bypassed while adding a disease. |
create_submerged_images | mob/living/carbon/human/update_clothing() |
get_blood_absorption_rate | Returns the rate of blood to absorb from the reagent holder per Life() |
get_chem_depletion_multiplier | Returns a multiplier for how much chems to deplete from their reagent holder per Life() This will be multiplied by that chems corresponding depletion rate |
get_symbol_color | Currently used for the color of pointing at things. Might be useful for other things that should have a color based off a mob. |
get_targets | Looks for the kind_of_target movables within range, and throws the user an input Valid kinds: "mob", "obj", "both" |
restore_life_processes | Init function for adding life processes. Called on New() and when being revived. The counterpart to reduce_lifeprocess_on_death |
shared_living_ui_distance | public |
stun_glove_attack | Harm intent |
Var Details
completely immune to catching and spreading disease/medical-like ailments
all applied patches (ex. medical patches)
do we slow down when hurt?
Tracks status of soalguard respawn on mob. SOULGUARD_INACTIVE, SOULGUARD_SPELL when from wizard ability, SOULGUARD_RING when from wizard ring.
are we compatible with the void mindswapper?
Proc Details
Special wrapper to add food status effects, due to special overriding and duration behavior.
Checks whether a mob can be converted to the revolution by use of a flash, revolutionary flash, revolutionary flashbang, or violence.
returns true if first letter of things that person says should be capitalized
Contract the specified disease. @param ailment_path Path of the ailment to add. If both ailment_path and ailment_name are passed, this is used. @param ailment_name Name of the ailment to add. This is not cosmetic; the ailment type is retrieved via this name. @param strain Instance of the ailment to add. Used to transfer an existing ailment to a person (such as in the case of a diseased organ transplant) @param bypass_resistance If disease resistance should be bypassed while adding a disease.
Returns the rate of blood to absorb from the reagent holder per Life()
Returns a multiplier for how much chems to deplete from their reagent holder per Life() This will be multiplied by that chems corresponding depletion rate
Currently used for the color of pointing at things. Might be useful for other things that should have a color based off a mob.
Looks for the kind_of_target movables within range, and throws the user an input Valid kinds: "mob", "obj", "both"
Init function for adding life processes. Called on New() and when being revived. The counterpart to reduce_lifeprocess_on_death
Distance versus interaction check.
required src_object atom/movable The object which owns the UI.
return UI_state The state of the UI.
Harm intent