Tile that processes things such as air, explosions, and fluids.
Vars | |
air | Our gas mixture |
air_check_directions | Which directions should we consider for air processing. |
archived_cycle | Which cycle were our archived variables made. |
being_superconductive | Are we currently radiating heat to other tiles? |
current_cycle | What cycle are we on currently. |
default_melt_chance | default melt chance from fire |
dist_to_space | Our distance to the nearest space border. |
gas_icon_overlay | The overlay used to show gases on us such as plasma. |
group_border | OR of directions in which we border other singletons or groups. |
length_space_border | The length of our border to space. |
parent | The air group we belong in. Null if we're a singleton. |
processing | Are we processing atmospherics? |
typeinfo_type | turf/simulated/floor/Entered(atom/movable/A, atom/OL) //this used to run on every simulated turf (yes walls too!) -zewaka |
visuals_state | Bitfield representing gas graphics on us. |
Procs | |
assume_air | Merges all air from giver into turf or air group. Deletes giver. |
consider_pressure_difference | |
consider_pressure_difference_space | |
consider_superconductivity | Checks if we're hot enough to start superconducting heat to other tiles. |
find_group | |
high_pressure_movements | Process moving movable atoms within us based on the pressure differential. |
hotspot_expose | |
mimic_temperature_solid | Similar to share_temperature_mutual_solid(...) but the model is not modified. |
process_cell | Does a fair amount. Shares with neighbors, updates hotspots, update graphics, checks superconductivity, the whole nine yards. |
remove_air | Removes some moles from turf or air group. |
return_air | Returns air mixture of turf or air group, if we have one. If we don't, return /turf/return_air. |
share_temperature_mutual_solid | Share heat between solid turfs with a conduction_coefficient as a factor for efficiency. |
super_conduct | Conducts heat to other tiles through open and closed turfs, also radiates some heat into space. |
update_air_properties | Updates parent, processing, air checking directions, and space borders. |
update_visuals | Updates, or creates, our overlay if /datum/gas_mixture/var/graphic on model is different from [/turf/simulated/var/tmp/visuals_state]. If model doesn't have a graphic, delete our overlay. |
wetify | wetType: [-2 = glue, -1 = slime, 0 = dry, 1 = water, 2 = lube, 3 = superlube] silent: makes the overlay invisible and prevents the sound effect |
Var Details
Our gas mixture
Which directions should we consider for air processing.
Which cycle were our archived variables made.
Are we currently radiating heat to other tiles?
What cycle are we on currently.
default melt chance from fire
Our distance to the nearest space border.
The overlay used to show gases on us such as plasma.
OR of directions in which we border other singletons or groups.
The length of our border to space.
The air group we belong in. Null if we're a singleton.
Are we processing atmospherics?
turf/simulated/floor/Entered(atom/movable/A, atom/OL) //this used to run on every simulated turf (yes walls too!) -zewaka
Bitfield representing gas graphics on us.
Proc Details
Merges all air from giver into turf or air group. Deletes giver.
- Sets /turf/simulated/pressure_difference and /turf/simulated/pressure_direction to connection_difference and connection_direction if connection_difference is higher than the value of /turf/simulated/pressure_difference.
- Flips connection_difference and connection_direction if connection_difference was lower than 0.
- Queues us for pressure delta processing if we previously did not have a pressure difference.
- Check if we have have a valid border to space. If so, sets /turf/simulated/pressure_difference and /turf/simulated/pressure_direction to connection_difference and the direction to space.
- Queues us for pressure delta processing if we previously did not have a pressure difference.
Checks if we're hot enough to start superconducting heat to other tiles.
- Basically, join any nearby valid groups.
- If more than one, pick one with most members at my borders.
- If can not find any but there was an ungrouped at border with me, call for group assembly.
Process moving movable atoms within us based on the pressure differential.
- Checks if we should light on fire if we do not have a hotspot already. If we should and don't have one, spawns one.
- Returns: TRUE if we ignited or already have a hotspot, FALSE if we didn't make one or have one.
Similar to share_temperature_mutual_solid(...) but the model is not modified.
Does a fair amount. Shares with neighbors, updates hotspots, update graphics, checks superconductivity, the whole nine yards.
Removes some moles from turf or air group.
Returns air mixture of turf or air group, if we have one. If we don't, return /turf/return_air.
Share heat between solid turfs with a conduction_coefficient as a factor for efficiency.
Conducts heat to other tiles through open and closed turfs, also radiates some heat into space.
Updates parent, processing, air checking directions, and space borders.
Updates, or creates, our overlay if /datum/gas_mixture/var/graphic on model is different from [/turf/simulated/var/tmp/visuals_state]. If model doesn't have a graphic, delete our overlay.
wetType: [-2 = glue, -1 = slime, 0 = dry, 1 = water, 2 = lube, 3 = superlube] silent: makes the overlay invisible and prevents the sound effect