Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Broadside Gun Parent


ammoAmount of ammo the gun has, set to -1 for infinite
firingfromShip name you're firing from, important for the designator
sound_offset_dirIn case you need to offset the gun firing's sound dir (if it's aiming left for example)
sound_offset_lengthIn case you need to offset the gun firing's sound by offset tiles (if it's aiming left for example)
sound_turfHolding var for the exact turf to play the gun's firing sound from
target_overlayOverlay sprite for where the strike will land, set to null for no overlay


bombardOverride this for the child of /obj/machinery/broadside_gun to determine what happens on-firing

Var Details


Amount of ammo the gun has, set to -1 for infinite


Ship name you're firing from, important for the designator


In case you need to offset the gun firing's sound dir (if it's aiming left for example)


In case you need to offset the gun firing's sound by offset tiles (if it's aiming left for example)


Holding var for the exact turf to play the gun's firing sound from


Overlay sprite for where the strike will land, set to null for no overlay

Proc Details


Override this for the child of /obj/machinery/broadside_gun to determine what happens on-firing