Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



air_contentsThe air contents of this tank.
compatible_with_TTVWhether or not this tank can be used in a tank transfer valve.
distribute_pressureThis tank's contents will be released at this pressure. Most subtypes use the minimum breathable value here.
extra_descThis value is read by get_desc(), and is used by subtypes instead of copy-pasting the entire description with minor changes.
integrityDecremented over time when the tank is overpressurized. A damaged tank will leak or even rupture.
previous_pressureTank's previous pressure. Used for tanks that are going to explode


ui_describeReturns a serialized description of this tank for use with the PortableHoldingTank TGUI component

Var Details


The air contents of this tank.


Whether or not this tank can be used in a tank transfer valve.


This tank's contents will be released at this pressure. Most subtypes use the minimum breathable value here.


This value is read by get_desc(), and is used by subtypes instead of copy-pasting the entire description with minor changes.


Decremented over time when the tank is overpressurized. A damaged tank will leak or even rupture.


Tank's previous pressure. Used for tanks that are going to explode

Proc Details


Returns a serialized description of this tank for use with the PortableHoldingTank TGUI component