Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


User definable chat command


admin_only_goon_sucksIf this command should be available to game administrators only
help_textThe help text displayed for this command
nameThe string to trigger this command on a chat bot. e.g @bot name ... or !tgs name ...


RunProcess command activation. Should return a string to respond to the issuer with.

Var Details


If this command should be available to game administrators only


The help text displayed for this command


The string to trigger this command on a chat bot. e.g @bot name ... or !tgs name ...

Proc Details


Process command activation. Should return a string to respond to the issuer with.

sender - The /datum/tgs_chat_user who issued the command. params - The trimmed string following the command `/datum/tgs_chat_command/var/name].