Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Ringtones that'll get mashed into a PDA


alertListThe alert text to play for the sound at this index -- if enabled and not blank
applyTextThe following are used by the PDA programs to display the menu option things The text that you click to make this your ringtone
canSpawnWithCan this ringtone be selected through character creation?
descTextThe text that works as a flowery form of Description:
extrarange_adjustmentExtrarange added to all ringtones here
has_shortDoes this ringtone have short versions of their tones?
holderThe PDA this happens to be attached to
listCycleTypeSets how to change the index whenever the sound gets played
nameTextThe text that works as a flowery replacement for Name:
overrideAlertWhether this ringtone set should use its alert text instead of the PDA's
pitchListPitch to play the sound at this index
previewMessageThe message sent when previewing the ringtone
previewSenderThe sender of the preview message
previewTextThe test that you click to get a message and hear the ringtone without applying it
rangeListHow much further should this sound carry?
readMessagesDoes this ringtone have special message-specific functionality?
ringListList of sounds
ringListIndexCurrent index to read all the lists from, so if the ringtone wants to cycle through different sounds, it can
ringShortListList of alternate sounds
succTextThe success message when this ringtone gets applied
varyListWhether or not to vary the sound at this index
volListWhat volume to play the sound at this index -- keep all these lists at the same length as ringlist!


DoSpecialThingDo something special at certain indexes, after playing the sound?
MessageActionSo things with access to the ringtone can do things to it
PlayRingtonePlays the sound at the current index, then change the index

Var Details


The alert text to play for the sound at this index -- if enabled and not blank


The following are used by the PDA programs to display the menu option things The text that you click to make this your ringtone


Can this ringtone be selected through character creation?


The text that works as a flowery form of Description:


Extrarange added to all ringtones here


Does this ringtone have short versions of their tones?


The PDA this happens to be attached to


Sets how to change the index whenever the sound gets played


The text that works as a flowery replacement for Name:


Whether this ringtone set should use its alert text instead of the PDA's


Pitch to play the sound at this index


The message sent when previewing the ringtone


The sender of the preview message


The test that you click to get a message and hear the ringtone without applying it


How much further should this sound carry?


Does this ringtone have special message-specific functionality?


List of sounds


Current index to read all the lists from, so if the ringtone wants to cycle through different sounds, it can


List of alternate sounds


The success message when this ringtone gets applied


Whether or not to vary the sound at this index


What volume to play the sound at this index -- keep all these lists at the same length as ringlist!

Proc Details


Do something special at certain indexes, after playing the sound?


So things with access to the ringtone can do things to it


Plays the sound at the current index, then change the index