Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details



chem_idsIDs of reagents being looked for in the evaluation; can be a single one in string form, or a list containing several strings.
contained_inReagent container type: optionally set this to a path to require reagents be contained in that particular thing to count.
container_namePlural description of that container - beakers, patches, pills, etc. First letter capitalized. Should be set if contained_in is set.
single_containerIf set to true, entirety of requested reagent must be within a single reagent container in the shipment

Var Details


IDs of reagents being looked for in the evaluation; can be a single one in string form, or a list containing several strings.


Reagent container type: optionally set this to a path to require reagents be contained in that particular thing to count.


Plural description of that container - beakers, patches, pills, etc. First letter capitalized. Should be set if contained_in is set.


If set to true, entirety of requested reagent must be within a single reagent container in the shipment