Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesProc Details


Represents a promised value that can then be fulfilled (likely by some other execution context). Supports waiting for fulfillment.

You create this datum, give a copy to some other place and call wait() or wait_for_value() to wait for fulfillment. The other place can then call the_promise.fulfill(value) to fulfill the promise with value value, this interrupts all the waits.


fulfillFulfills the promise with value value.
waitWait for the promise to be fulfilled.
wait_for_valueWait for the promise to be fulfilled and return the value.

Proc Details


Fulfills the promise with value value.

@param value The value to fulfill the promise with. @return TRUE if the promise was not already fulfilled, FALSE if it was.


Wait for the promise to be fulfilled.

@param timeout How long to wait for fulfillment. If not provided wait indefinitely. @return TRUE if fulfilled, FALSE if not (due to timeout expiring).


Wait for the promise to be fulfilled and return the value.

@param timeout How long to wait for fulfillment. If not provided wait indefinitely. @return The value of the promise or null if unfulfilled.