Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details


plantgrowth_tick is a container that saves information about changes that are happening within a plant during a tick. This is passed to procs of chems and plantgenes and is modified After plantgenes, chems and plant-effects are resolved, this proc can be resolved and removed with /obj/machinery/plantpot/proc/HYPresolve_plantgrowth_tick


acid_damageAcid damage dealt to the plant by chems, e.g. sulfuric acid
bonus_growth_rateBonus growth rate if the plant does not have too much water
bonus_growth_water_limitLimit, at which point the plant has too much water and thus doesn't gain additional growth
bonus_health_rateBonus health if the plant does not have too much water
cropsize_bonusA bonus to cropsize stat that will be applied to the plant
endurance_bonusA bonus to endurance stat that will be applied to the plant
fire_damageFire damage dealt to the plant by chems, e.g. phlog
growth_rateThe growth rate this plantgrowth_tick will apply
growtime_bonusA bonus to growtime stat that will be applied to the plant
harvests_bonusA bonus to harvests stat that will be applied to the plant
harvtime_bonusA bonus to harvtime stat that will be applied to the plant
health_changeA bonus to health that will be applied to the plant
mutation_severityMutation chance applied to the plant by chems, e.g. unstable mutagen
nectar_generation_multiplier_bonusA bonus to the random variable of the nectar-generation.
poison_damagePoison damage dealt to the plant by chems, e.g. weedkiller
potency_bonusA bonus to potency stat that will be applied to the plant
radiation_damageRadiation damage dealt to the plant by chems, e.g. radium
referenced_plantpotThis is the plantpot that currently handles the plantpot in question
thirst_damageThe amount of damage dealt to the plant if there is not enough water/water-substitute
thirst_growth_rate_multiplierthe multiplier the plant will receive to growth rate if there is no water in the plantpot, baseline 0 for normal plants, 1 for e.g. weeds
tick_multiplierMultiplier to the changes made by this, if something does quicken the growthcycles
water_consumptionThe rate of chemicals this tick of plantgrowth will consume

Var Details


Acid damage dealt to the plant by chems, e.g. sulfuric acid


Bonus growth rate if the plant does not have too much water


Limit, at which point the plant has too much water and thus doesn't gain additional growth


Bonus health if the plant does not have too much water


A bonus to cropsize stat that will be applied to the plant


A bonus to endurance stat that will be applied to the plant


Fire damage dealt to the plant by chems, e.g. phlog


The growth rate this plantgrowth_tick will apply


A bonus to growtime stat that will be applied to the plant


A bonus to harvests stat that will be applied to the plant


A bonus to harvtime stat that will be applied to the plant


A bonus to health that will be applied to the plant


Mutation chance applied to the plant by chems, e.g. unstable mutagen


A bonus to the random variable of the nectar-generation.


Poison damage dealt to the plant by chems, e.g. weedkiller


A bonus to potency stat that will be applied to the plant


Radiation damage dealt to the plant by chems, e.g. radium


This is the plantpot that currently handles the plantpot in question


The amount of damage dealt to the plant if there is not enough water/water-substitute


the multiplier the plant will receive to growth rate if there is no water in the plantpot, baseline 0 for normal plants, 1 for e.g. weeds


Multiplier to the changes made by this, if something does quicken the growthcycles


The rate of chemicals this tick of plantgrowth will consume