Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

plant species name

an override on 1 so plants like synthmeat can give seeds. an override on -1 so plants like creeper don't give seeds at all. What kind of mutations should every seed of this plant receive when it is generated


dont_rename_cropDon't rename the crop after the plant.


HYPget_growth_stageThis proc returns the theoretical growth stage of the plant with (optional) passed_plantgenes and a given growth
HYPget_growth_to_growingthis proc returns the time needed for the plant with (optional) passed_plantgenes to reach the "growing"-stage
HYPget_growth_to_harvestablethis proc returns the time needed for the plant with (optional) passed_plantgenes to reach the "harvestable"-stage
HYPget_growth_to_maturedthis proc returns the time needed for the plant with (optional) passed_plantgenes to reach the "matured"-stage

Var Details


Don't rename the crop after the plant.

Proc Details


This proc returns the theoretical growth stage of the plant with (optional) passed_plantgenes and a given growth


this proc returns the time needed for the plant with (optional) passed_plantgenes to reach the "growing"-stage


this proc returns the time needed for the plant with (optional) passed_plantgenes to reach the "harvestable"-stage


this proc returns the time needed for the plant with (optional) passed_plantgenes to reach the "matured"-stage