Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



AHThe mutant's own appearanceholder, modified to suit our target appearance
aquaphobicTakes burn damage and hygiene loss on contact with water
aquaticignores suffocation from being underwater + moves at full speed underwater
can_walk_on_shardsShould they be able to walk on shards barefoot
clothing_icon_stateslist of the icon states for each icon file, put here because for some ungodly reason icon_states() can take 200ms randomly
clothing_iconsicon definitions for mutantrace clothing variants. one icon file per slot.
color_channel_namesList of 0 to 3 strings representing the names for the color channels used in the character creator. For vanilla humans (or HAS_HUMAN_HAIR) this is list("Bottom Detail", "Mid Detail", "Top Detail").
detail_1_iconThese details will show up layered just in front of the mob's skin The image to be inserted into the mob's appearanceholder's mob_detail_1
detail_oversuit_1_iconThese details will show up layered between the backpack and the outer suit The image to be inserted into the mob's appearanceholder's mob_oversuit_1 Will only show up if the mob's appearance flag includes HAS_O
dna_mutagen_bannedShould stable mutagen not copy from this mutant?
exclusive_languageif TRUE, only understood by others of this mutantrace
eye_iconThe icon used to render their eyes
eye_offsetaffects pixel_y of eyes if they're different from normal head-placement. darn anime monkey eyes If 0, it inherits that of the head offset. Otherwise, it applies as normal So, it should typically be something like head_offset +/- a few pixels
eye_stateThe state used to render their eyes
genetics_removableShould a genetics terminal be able to remove this mutantrace?
human_compatibleif TRUE, allows human diseases and dna injectors to affect this mutantrace
iconThis is used for static icons if the mutant isn't built from pieces For chunked mutantraces this must still point to a valid full-body image to generate a staticky sprite for ghostdrones.
icon_statesThe icon states of the above icon, cached because byond is bad
ignore_missing_limbsReplace both arms regardless of mob status (new and dispose).
jerkShould robots arrest these by default?
leg_offsetaffects pixel_y of the legs and stump, in case the mutant has a non-human length torsocrotch
mutant_folderThe icon of the head, body, and limbs we're using
mutant_organsSwaps out the entries in the mob's organ_holder with these (hopefully) organs Format: ("entry_in_organholder's_organlist", /obj/item/organ/path)
mutant_organs_fIf our mutant has a female variant that has different organs, these will be used instead
override_eyesThe mutant's original appearanceholder, from before they were a mutant, to restore their old appearance
override_limb_iconsIf true, normal limbs use custom icons for this mutantrace
race_mutationThe mutation associted with the mutantrace. Saurian genetics for lizards, for instance
special_hair_1_colorWhich preference entry to colorize this from. CUST_1 to use the appearanceholder's custom_first_color, and so on. Make null for just "#FFFFFF"
special_hair_1_iconSpecial Hair is anything additional that's supposed to be stuck to the mob's head Can be anything, honestly. Used for lizard head things and cow horns Will only show up if the mob's appearance flag includes HAS_SPECIAL_HAIR
special_hair_1_icon_fThe "_f" vars are applied for female variants, if the appearance flags don't have NOT_DIMORPHIC
special_hair_1_layerWhich layer should this hair appear? Defaults to the normal hair-layer
special_hair_1_stateState to be used. Human hairstyles must be defined by their icon state, not hairstyle name!
special_hair_2_iconThe image to be inserted into the mob's appearanceholder's customization_second
special_hair_3_iconThe image to be inserted into the mob's appearanceholder's customization_third
special_headIf the mutant uses a non-human head, this'll tell the head builder which head to build
special_head_fIf our mutant has a female variant, it'll use this head instead
special_head_stateThe icon_state of the head we're using
special_head_state_fIf our mutant has a female variant, it'll use this head image instead
typeinfo_typemutant races: cheap way to add new "types" of mobs
uses_human_clothesif FALSE, can only wear clothes if listed in /obj/item/clothing/var/compatible_species
voice_messageoverrides normal voice message if defined (and others don't understand us, ofc)


MakeMutantDimorphicCopies over female variants of mutant heads and organs
MutateMutantApplies or removes the bioeffect associated with the mutantrace
apply_clothing_filtersCalled by /mob/living/carbon/human/update_clothing()'s slot-specific sub-procs. Each sub-proc passes its obj to this proc, which you can then operate on. Should return a filter or list of filters, to be added to the obj's wear_image.filters
load_clothing_iconsLoad all the clothing override icons, should call parent AFTER populating clothing_icons
onDeathCalled when our mob dies. Returning a true value will short circuit the normal death proc right before deathgasp/headspider/etc Rturn values are [MUTRACE_ONDEATH_NOTHING], [MUTRACE_ONDEATH_REVIVED], [MUTRACE_ONDEATH_DEFER_DELETE] etc.
on_attachFor calling of procs when a mob is given a mutant race, to avoid issues with abstract representation in on_attach()

Var Details


The mutant's own appearanceholder, modified to suit our target appearance


Takes burn damage and hygiene loss on contact with water


ignores suffocation from being underwater + moves at full speed underwater


Should they be able to walk on shards barefoot


list of the icon states for each icon file, put here because for some ungodly reason icon_states() can take 200ms randomly


icon definitions for mutantrace clothing variants. one icon file per slot.


List of 0 to 3 strings representing the names for the color channels used in the character creator. For vanilla humans (or HAS_HUMAN_HAIR) this is list("Bottom Detail", "Mid Detail", "Top Detail").


These details will show up layered just in front of the mob's skin The image to be inserted into the mob's appearanceholder's mob_detail_1


These details will show up layered between the backpack and the outer suit The image to be inserted into the mob's appearanceholder's mob_oversuit_1 Will only show up if the mob's appearance flag includes HAS_O


Should stable mutagen not copy from this mutant?


if TRUE, only understood by others of this mutantrace


The icon used to render their eyes


affects pixel_y of eyes if they're different from normal head-placement. darn anime monkey eyes If 0, it inherits that of the head offset. Otherwise, it applies as normal So, it should typically be something like head_offset +/- a few pixels


The state used to render their eyes


Should a genetics terminal be able to remove this mutantrace?


if TRUE, allows human diseases and dna injectors to affect this mutantrace


This is used for static icons if the mutant isn't built from pieces For chunked mutantraces this must still point to a valid full-body image to generate a staticky sprite for ghostdrones.


The icon states of the above icon, cached because byond is bad


Replace both arms regardless of mob status (new and dispose).


Should robots arrest these by default?


affects pixel_y of the legs and stump, in case the mutant has a non-human length torsocrotch



The icon of the head, body, and limbs we're using


Swaps out the entries in the mob's organ_holder with these (hopefully) organs Format: ("entry_in_organholder's_organlist", /obj/item/organ/path)


If our mutant has a female variant that has different organs, these will be used instead


The mutant's original appearanceholder, from before they were a mutant, to restore their old appearance


If true, normal limbs use custom icons for this mutantrace


The mutation associted with the mutantrace. Saurian genetics for lizards, for instance


Which preference entry to colorize this from. CUST_1 to use the appearanceholder's custom_first_color, and so on. Make null for just "#FFFFFF"


Special Hair is anything additional that's supposed to be stuck to the mob's head Can be anything, honestly. Used for lizard head things and cow horns Will only show up if the mob's appearance flag includes HAS_SPECIAL_HAIR


The "_f" vars are applied for female variants, if the appearance flags don't have NOT_DIMORPHIC


Which layer should this hair appear? Defaults to the normal hair-layer


State to be used. Human hairstyles must be defined by their icon state, not hairstyle name!


The image to be inserted into the mob's appearanceholder's customization_second


The image to be inserted into the mob's appearanceholder's customization_third


If the mutant uses a non-human head, this'll tell the head builder which head to build


If our mutant has a female variant, it'll use this head instead


The icon_state of the head we're using


If our mutant has a female variant, it'll use this head image instead


mutant races: cheap way to add new "types" of mobs


if FALSE, can only wear clothes if listed in /obj/item/clothing/var/compatible_species


overrides normal voice message if defined (and others don't understand us, ofc)

Proc Details


Copies over female variants of mutant heads and organs


Applies or removes the bioeffect associated with the mutantrace


Called by /mob/living/carbon/human/update_clothing()'s slot-specific sub-procs. Each sub-proc passes its obj to this proc, which you can then operate on. Should return a filter or list of filters, to be added to the obj's wear_image.filters


Load all the clothing override icons, should call parent AFTER populating clothing_icons


Called when our mob dies. Returning a true value will short circuit the normal death proc right before deathgasp/headspider/etc Rturn values are [MUTRACE_ONDEATH_NOTHING], [MUTRACE_ONDEATH_REVIVED], [MUTRACE_ONDEATH_DEFER_DELETE] etc.


For calling of procs when a mob is given a mutant race, to avoid issues with abstract representation in on_attach()
