Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



mapThe minimap, without minimap markers. Kept separate for the purpose of scaling the minimap without scaling the markers.
map_scaleThe current scale of the physical map, as a multiple of the original size (300x300px).
marker_scaleThe desired scale of the minimap markers, as a multiple of the original size (32x32px).
minimap_holderThe holder for the render of the minimap, allowing for offsets and other effects to be applied to the render without modifying the render itself.
minimap_markersAn associative list of all the targets and associated minimap markers the minimap is currently tracking and displaying.
minimap_renderThe minimap render to be displayed, containing both the map, and icons.
minimap_typeA bitflag that determines which areas and minimap markers are to be rendered on the minimap. For available flags, see _std/defines/
x_maxThe maximum x coordinate to be rendered, in world coordinates.
x_minThe minimum x coordinate to be rendered, in world coordinates.
y_maxThe maximum y coordinate to be rendered, in world coordinates.
y_minThe minimum y coordinate to be rendered, in world coordinates.
z_levelThe z-level that the minimap is to be rendered from.
zoom_coefficientThe scale that the minimap should be zoomed to; it does not affect the physical size of the minimap, as the alpha mask will take care of any map area scaled outside of the minimap boundaries.


create_alpha_maskCreate an alpha mask to hide anything outside the bounds of the physical map.
create_minimap_markerCreates a minimap marker from a specified target, icon, and icon state. 'marker_name' will override the marker inheriting the target's name.
set_marker_positionSets the x and y position of a specified minimap marker, in world coordinates.
valid_turfChecks whether a turf should be rendered on the map through the minimaps_to_render_on bitflag on /area.

Var Details


The minimap, without minimap markers. Kept separate for the purpose of scaling the minimap without scaling the markers.


The current scale of the physical map, as a multiple of the original size (300x300px).


The desired scale of the minimap markers, as a multiple of the original size (32x32px).


The holder for the render of the minimap, allowing for offsets and other effects to be applied to the render without modifying the render itself.


An associative list of all the targets and associated minimap markers the minimap is currently tracking and displaying.


The minimap render to be displayed, containing both the map, and icons.


A bitflag that determines which areas and minimap markers are to be rendered on the minimap. For available flags, see _std/defines/


The maximum x coordinate to be rendered, in world coordinates.


The minimum x coordinate to be rendered, in world coordinates.


The maximum y coordinate to be rendered, in world coordinates.


The minimum y coordinate to be rendered, in world coordinates.


The z-level that the minimap is to be rendered from.


The scale that the minimap should be zoomed to; it does not affect the physical size of the minimap, as the alpha mask will take care of any map area scaled outside of the minimap boundaries.

Proc Details


Create an alpha mask to hide anything outside the bounds of the physical map.


Creates a minimap marker from a specified target, icon, and icon state. 'marker_name' will override the marker inheriting the target's name.


Sets the x and y position of a specified minimap marker, in world coordinates.


Checks whether a turf should be rendered on the map through the minimaps_to_render_on bitflag on /area.