Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

HTTP Request

Holder datum for ingame HTTP requests

Holds information regarding to methods used, URL, and response, as well as job IDs and progress tracking for async requests


_raw_responseThe raw response, which will be decoeded into a /datum/http_response
bodyBody of the request being sent
headersRequest headers being sent
idThe ID of the request (Only set if it is an async request)
in_progressIs the request in progress? (Only set if it is an async request)
methodHTTP method used
output_fileIf present response body will be saved to this file.
urlURL that the request is being sent to


begin_asyncAsync execution starter
build_optionsOptions builder
execute_blockingBlocking executor
into_responseResponse deserializer
is_completeAsync completion checker
preparePreparation handler

Var Details


The raw response, which will be decoeded into a /datum/http_response


Body of the request being sent


Request headers being sent


The ID of the request (Only set if it is an async request)


Is the request in progress? (Only set if it is an async request)


HTTP method used


If present response body will be saved to this file.


URL that the request is being sent to

Proc Details


Async execution starter

Tells the request to start executing inside its own thread inside RUSTG Preferred over blocking.


Options builder

Builds a set of request options Apparently this is only currently used for output_file purposes


Blocking executor

Remains as a proof of concept to show it works, but should NEVER be used to do FFI halting the entire DD process up Async rqeuests are much preferred.


Response deserializer

Takes a HTTP request object, and converts it into a /datum/http_response The entire thing is wrapped in try/catch to ensure it doesnt break on invalid requests Can be called on async and blocking requests


Async completion checker

Checks if an async request has been complete Has safety checks built in to compensate if you call this on blocking requests, or async requests which have already finished


Preparation handler

Call this with relevant parameters to form the request you want to make
