Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


The kernel is the computer program at the core of the OS and is responsible for managing interactions with all hardware devices, such as terminals, databanks, scanners and so forth through device drivers; for handling inputs; for creating and terminating connections; for the execution of system calls; and for other basic system services.


max_usersThe maximum number of users that may connect to the OS.
ping_acceptThe number of cycles for which the kernel should reply to any pings made.
processing_driversA list of drivers that are open to receiving messages from the OS.
rescan_periodHow often the mainframe should ping the network, in cycles.
rescan_timerThe current number of cycles until the mainframe should ping the network.
setup_progname_initThe default program name of the init program.
setup_progname_loginThe default program name of the login program.
setup_progname_shellThe default program name of the shell.
sys_folderThe /sys directory that the kernel is located in.
usersA list of users currently connected to the OS, indexed by their user ID.


change_metadataAlter the metadata of a specified file.
initialize_driverSet up an individual driver, registering them for processing if necessary.
initialize_driversInitialise all drivers, setting up driver data and initialising them individually.
initialize_usersInitialise all users and user data, logging in connected terminals, and setting up home directories and user record files.
is_sysopCheck whether this user is a superuser.
login_temp_userLog a connection in as a temporary user, starting the full login program, or logging in fully if a valid login record is provided.
login_userAttempt to login as a full user, setting up a home directories and user record file if successful.
logout_userLog a user out, terminating any running programs, and removing the user's record file.
message_all_usersSend a message to all logged in users.

Var Details


The maximum number of users that may connect to the OS.


The number of cycles for which the kernel should reply to any pings made.


A list of drivers that are open to receiving messages from the OS.


How often the mainframe should ping the network, in cycles.


The current number of cycles until the mainframe should ping the network.


The default program name of the init program.


The default program name of the login program.


The default program name of the shell.


The /sys directory that the kernel is located in.


A list of users currently connected to the OS, indexed by their user ID.

Proc Details


Alter the metadata of a specified file.


Set up an individual driver, registering them for processing if necessary.


Initialise all drivers, setting up driver data and initialising them individually.


Initialise all users and user data, logging in connected terminals, and setting up home directories and user record files.


Check whether this user is a superuser.


Log a connection in as a temporary user, starting the full login program, or logging in fully if a valid login record is provided.


Attempt to login as a full user, setting up a home directories and user record file if successful.


Log a user out, terminating any running programs, and removing the user's record file.


Send a message to all logged in users.