Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesProc Details



calculateWeightingsQueries the goonhub API for hisorical antag rounds for the pool of minds given
chooseQueries the goonhub API for hisorical antag rounds for the pool of minds given Returns a list of minds that haevn't played up to the percentage of antag rounds defined in config
recordRecords an antag selection for a single player
simulateHistoryQueries the goonhub API for hisorical antag rounds for a single target NOTE: Currently unused

Proc Details


Queries the goonhub API for hisorical antag rounds for the pool of minds given

@param string role Name of the antag role we're picking for (e.g. traitor, spy_thief) @param list history List of historical antag data returned by the goonhub API @return list List ckeys sorted by weight (highest weight first)


Queries the goonhub API for hisorical antag rounds for the pool of minds given Returns a list of minds that haevn't played up to the percentage of antag rounds defined in config

@param list pool List of minds under consideration for antag picking @param string role Name of the antag role we're picking for (e.g. traitor, spy_thief) @param int amount Max amount of players to choose for this role @param boolean recordChosen When true, triggers a src.record() for the chosen players @return list List of minds chosen


Records an antag selection for a single player

@param string role Name of the antag role we're recording a selection for @param string P The player being recorded @param boolean latejoin Whether this record is a latejoin antag selection @return null


Queries the goonhub API for hisorical antag rounds for a single target NOTE: Currently unused

@param string role Name of the antag role we're looking up (e.g. traitor, spy_thief) @param string ckey Ckey of the person we're looking up @return list List of history details

Get the entire antag selection history for a player (all roles, all modes)

@param string ckey Ckey of the person we're looking up @return list List of history details

Simulates a history response from the API, so local development doesn't fuck up

@param string role Name of the antag role we're looking up (e.g. traitor, spy_thief) @param list ckeyMinds List of minds keyed by ckeys @return list Simulated response