Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Represents a map region you have allocated access to. While you hold a reference to this region you are free to assume nothing else will allocate this part of the map and touch your region. You should also not go out of its bounds of course. Deallocate the region by qdel()ing it or dropping all references to it.


bottom_leftBottom left corner of the region
heightHeight in tiles
nameoptional friendly name for the region
nodeCorresponding node in the region_allocator quad tree
widthWidth in tiles


get_centerreturns the center turf of the region, biasing towards top right if dimensions even
get_random_turfreturns a random turf in the region
relative_turf_coordsReturns the relative coordinates of the turf in the region (1, 1) being bottom left corner. Returns null if the turf is not in the region.
turf_atGiven local coordinates (x, y) returns you a turf at these coordinates in the region. I.e. (1, 1) will return src.bottom_left . This is the preferred method to access turfs in the region. If coordinates are out of bounds null will be returned.
turf_in_regionChecks if a turf is in the region.
turf_on_borderChecks if the turf is on the (inner) border of the region

Var Details


Bottom left corner of the region


Height in tiles


optional friendly name for the region


Corresponding node in the region_allocator quad tree


Width in tiles

Proc Details


returns the center turf of the region, biasing towards top right if dimensions even


returns a random turf in the region


Returns the relative coordinates of the turf in the region (1, 1) being bottom left corner. Returns null if the turf is not in the region.


Given local coordinates (x, y) returns you a turf at these coordinates in the region. I.e. (1, 1) will return src.bottom_left . This is the preferred method to access turfs in the region. If coordinates are out of bounds null will be returned.


Checks if a turf is in the region.


Checks if the turf is on the (inner) border of the region