/obj/lattice | metal beam lattices for connecting station parts. |
/obj/lattice/barricade | literally only used in 'assets/maps/prefabs/prefab_water_honk.dmm' Why not just use a girder? |
/obj/lattice/directional_icons | a lattice that starts off with icon_state "lattice-dir" |
/obj/lattice/directional_icons_alt | a lattice that starts off with icon_state "lattice-dir-b" |
/obj/lattice/auto | lattice spawners, for mapping large quantities of lattice at once.
They auto connect in four directions depending on the lattices around them, plus you can set them to connect to certain turfs. |
/obj/lattice/auto/wall_attaching | connect to all simulated and unsimulated walls |
/obj/lattice/auto/turf_attaching | connect to all non turf/space turfs |