/var/phrase_log | This system keeps a logged list of player-created phrases of various categories. The lists are cross-round.
Useful for stuff like hallucinations etc. If the number of phrases in a category exceeds src.max_length
random phrases get thrown out to reduce the size when saving.
Currently logged categories:
say - people talking
whisper - people whispering
pda - pda messages
deadsay - ghosts talking
ailaw - custom AI laws
record - custom radio station record names
emote - custom emotes
prayer - prayers
name-X - player chosen name for X where X is from the set {blob, ai, cyborg, clown, mime, wizard, ...}
vehicle - vehicle names (via a bottle of Champagne)
sing - people singing
pill - custom pill name
bottle - custom obttle name
voice-mimic - voices used by the changeling mimic voice ability
voice-radiostation - voices used by the radio station voice synthesizer
telepathy - messages sent through the telepathy genetics ability
bot-X - custom bot name, X is from the set {camera, fire, guard, med, sec} (I bet you didn't even know you could rename bots with a pen, huh)
name-bee - custom bee / bee larva name
name-critter - custom critter name (you can rename those with a pen too, whoa)
seed - custom botany seed name
paper - stuff people write on papers
crayon-queue - crayon queue mode inputs |