Goonstation 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/parallax_render_source_groupThe parent type for parallax render source groups, which govern which parallax render sources should be shown to a client in a given area or z-level. They also allow for the efficient manipulation of parallax render sources and layers within a specified z-level or area, permitting more granular control over the appearance of parallax render sources.
/datum/parallax_render_source_group/areaArea render source groups are singleton datums stored in a lookup table by type. They permit areas of differing type paths to share parallax render source instances and therefore permit parallax render source changes to take effect across several areas consistantly.
/datum/parallax_render_source_group/z_levelZ-level render source groups are singleton datums stored in a lookup table by z-level. Their default parallax render source types are defined by the current map settings, with each z-level render source group using the list on the map settings datum corresponding to its z-level. See and the Z_LEVEL_PARALLAX_RENDER_SOURCES() macro.
/datum/parallax_render_source_group/planetPlanet render source groups are non-singleton datums, with each instance of each type varying in parallax render source settings. They are assigned to planet areas during the procedural generation of planets, and permit variety in parallax layers amongst planets.