/proc/getMaterial | Returns one of the base materials by id. |
/proc/handleTriggerGenerations | Increases generations on material triggers and handles removal if over the generation cap. |
/proc/getFusedTriggers | Fuses two material trigger lists. |
/proc/getFusedMaterial | Merges two materials and returns result as new material. |
/proc/getInterpolatedName | Merges two material names into one. |
/proc/getMatFailString | Returns a string for when a material fail or breaks depending on its material flags. |
/proc/getMatFlagString | Translates a material flag into a string. |
/proc/matchesMaterialRecipe | Checks if a material matches a recipe and returns the recipe if a match is found. returns null if nothing matches it. |
/proc/hasParentMaterial | Searches the parent materials of the given material, up to a given generation, for an id. |
/proc/applyCableMaterials | Yes hello apparently we need a proc for this because theres a million types of different wires and cables. |
/proc/calculateHeatTransferCoefficient | Returns the thermal conductivity between two materials, based on thermal and electrical conductivity mat property.
Thermal conductivity ranges from 0 (perfect insulator) to infinity. Excellent conductors like copper are about 100 |