Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


RINGLIST_STATICDon't change the index -- it's set by the PDA!
RINGLIST_CYCLECycle through the ringtone list one after the other
RINGLIST_RANDOMPick a random index
/proc/filter_is_character_setup_ringtonetype filter for ringtones that're suposed to be selectable at roundstart
/datum/ringtoneRingtones that'll get mashed into a PDA
/datum/ringtone/dogsTest ringtone for random sounds w/ varied and altered pitch
/datum/ringtone/numbersTest ringtone for cycled numbers with special index
/datum/ringtone/thinktronicStock Thinktronic ringtones
/datum/ringtone/clownClown ringtones
/datum/ringtone/basicbasic-ass ringtones for basic-ass spacepeople
/datum/ringtone/retkidRingtones with Shorts
/datum/ringtone/syndieSyndicate Distracto-tones

Define Details


Cycle through the ringtone list one after the other


Pick a random index


Don't change the index -- it's set by the PDA!