Goonstation 13 - Modules - Types


/datum/jobdefaults to limit has an admin manually set the limit to something does this job scale down at lower population counts On join, add to general, bank, and security records. String name of another job. The current job will only be available if the supervisor job is filled. What order jobs are filled in within their priority tier, lower number = higher priority Job cannot be set to "unwanted" in player preferences. List of object paths of implant types given on spawn. On join, send message to all players indicating who is fulfilling the role; primarily for heads of staff The announcement computer will send a message when the player joins after round-start. Object path of the ID card type to issue player. Overridden by spawn_id. Does player spawn with an ID. Overrides slot_card if TRUE. Base the initial limit of job slots on the number of map-defined job start locations. Description provided when a player hovers over the job name in latejoin menu Link to the wiki page for this job Name of a job that we count towards the cap of