Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



animation_pixel_x_offsetThe x pixel offset required for a scrolling layer to remain within the boundaries of a client's screen.
animation_pixel_y_offsetThe y pixel offset required for a scrolling layer to remain within the boundaries of a client's screen.
initial_pixel_x_offsetThe initial x pixel offset required to centre the layer on the client's screen.
initial_pixel_y_offsetThe initial y pixel offset required to centre the layer on the client's screen.
ownerThe client that this parallax layer belongs to.
parallax_render_sourceThe parallax render source that this layer should use, containing data on appearance, parallax value, scroll speed, and so forth.


offset_layerOffsets the parallax layer using a transformation to either appear in the centre of the client's screen, or appear centred when the client is at the initial x and y coordinates.
scroll_layerAnimates the parallax layer so that it appears to be infinitely moving in one direction, using the scroll_speed, parallax_value, and scroll_angle variables.

Var Details


The x pixel offset required for a scrolling layer to remain within the boundaries of a client's screen.


The y pixel offset required for a scrolling layer to remain within the boundaries of a client's screen.


The initial x pixel offset required to centre the layer on the client's screen.


The initial y pixel offset required to centre the layer on the client's screen.


The client that this parallax layer belongs to.


The parallax render source that this layer should use, containing data on appearance, parallax value, scroll speed, and so forth.

Proc Details


Offsets the parallax layer using a transformation to either appear in the centre of the client's screen, or appear centred when the client is at the initial x and y coordinates.


Animates the parallax layer so that it appears to be infinitely moving in one direction, using the scroll_speed, parallax_value, and scroll_angle variables.