Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


SETUP_GENERIC_ACTIONBARCreates an actionbar that calls the specified proc_path on -either- owner or target if the duration passes without interruption.
SETUP_GENERIC_PRIVATE_ACTIONBARThe same thing but only the owner can see it

Define Details


Creates an actionbar that calls the specified proc_path on -either- owner or target if the duration passes without interruption.

icon / icon_state can also be set. duration should be in seconds. end_message is a string that displays once the action succeeds.

You can also directly instantiate a callback actionbar if you need to modify variables on it that the macro doesnt easily let you do. For instance, callback actionbars have an args variable you can modify to call the callback proc with arguements. Just make sure to start it once its been made!


	name = "foo"
	icon = 'icons/obj/foo.dmi'
	icon_state = "foo"

		M.visible_message("[M] starts fiddling with \the [src].")
		SETUP_GENERIC_ACTIONBAR(M, src, 5 SECONDS, /obj/item/foo/proc/cool_proc, list(M, src), src.icon, src.icon_state,\
		"[M] finishes fiddling with \the [src]", null)

	proc/cool_proc(var/mob/arg_1, var/obj/item/arg_2)
		boutput(world, "[] farted, []!")


The same thing but only the owner can see it