Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


/proc/move_element Move a single element from position from_index within a list, to position to_index
/proc/move_range Move elements [from_index,from_index+len) to [to_index-len, to_index)
/proc/swap_range Move elements from [from_index, from_index+len) to [to_index, to_index+len)
/proc/reverse_list_range Reverses a given list within the given range
/proc/flatten_list Flattens a keyed list into a list of it's contents
/proc/make_associative Make a normal list an associative one
/proc/typecacheof Like typesof() or subtypesof(), but returns a typecache instead of a list.
is_type_in_typecacheChecks for specific types in specifically structured (Assoc "type" = TRUE|FALSE) lists ('typecaches')
/proc/typecache_filter_list Rurns a new list with only atoms that are in the typecache list
/proc/typecache_filter_list_reverse Return a new list with atoms that are not in the typecache list
/proc/typecache_filter_multi_list_exclusion Similar to typecache_filter_list and typecache_filter_list_reverse but it supports an inclusion list and and exclusion list
/proc/weighted_pick Picks a random element from a list based on a weighting system.
/proc/english_list Returns a list in plain english as a string
reverse_listReverses a list in place

Define Details


Checks for specific types in specifically structured (Assoc "type" = TRUE|FALSE) lists ('typecaches')


Reverses a list in place