COMSIG_ITEM_BLOCK_BEGIN | After an item block is set up |
COMSIG_ITEM_BLOCK_END | When an item block is disposed |
COMSIG_ITEM_BLOCK_TOOLTIP_BLOCKING_APPEND | Append to the end of the blocking section of tooltip (list/tooltip) |
COMSIG_UNARMED_BLOCK_BEGIN | After an unarmed block is set up |
COMSIG_UNARMED_BLOCK_END | When an item block is created |
COMSIG_BLOCK_BLOCKED | When a block blocks damage at all |
COMSIG_DRONE_BEACON_DESTROYED | Triggers on destruction of a drone beacon |
COMSIG_FULLAUTO_MOUSEDOWN | Mouse down while shooting full auto |
COMSIG_FULLAUTO_MOUSEDRAG | Mouse down when shooting full auto |
COMSIG_FULLAUTO_MOUSEMOVE | MouseMove over a fullauto hud object |
COMSIG_GUN_PROJECTILE_CHANGED | Gun projectile changed while in fullauto mode |
COMSIG_GUN_TRY_SHOOT | before ...gun/shoot() - return truthy to cancel shoot() - (target, start, shooter, POX, POY, is_dual_wield, called_target) |
COMSIG_GUN_TRY_POINTBLANK | before ...gun/shoot_point_blank() - return truthy to cancel shoot_point_blank() - (target, user, second_shot) |
COMSIG_CELL_SWAP | When the cell in a uses_cell component should be swapped out (cell, user) |
COMSIG_CELL_TRY_SWAP | When a cell is attacked, try to initiate a cellswap on the attacking obj (cell, user) |
COMSIG_CELL_CAN_CHARGE | If an item can be charged |
COMSIG_CELL_CHARGE | Charge a small-cell (amount) |
COMSIG_CELL_USE | Use some charge from a small-cell (amount, bypass) |
COMSIG_CELL_IS_CELL | Check if thing is a power cell |
COMSIG_CELL_CHECK_CHARGE | Get the current charge and max charge of a power cell (list(charge)), or check if charge is higher than an amount (charge), or just check if there is a cell at all (null) |
COMSIG_CELL_FORCE_NEW_CELL | Force an update to the cellholder's cell. Takes an atom/movable that is a powercell, a powercell component, or a list of args for the powercell to inherit |
CELL_CHARGEABLE | Cell can be charged in a recharger |
CELL_UNCHARGEABLE | Cell cannot be charged in a recharger |
CELL_INSUFFICIENT_CHARGE | Cell has insufficient charge to do the requested action |
CELL_SUFFICIENT_CHARGE | Cell has sufficient charge to do the requested action |
CELL_RETURNED_LIST | Returned an assoc list |
CELL_FULL | Cell is fully charged |
COMSIG_SHIELD_TOGGLE | Sent by the itemability to toggle the energyshield component |
COMSIG_ATOM_PROP_MOB_INVISIBILITY | When invisibility of a mob gets updated (old_value) |
COMSIG_SEND_TO_MOB | Send item to a mob |
COMSIG_TRANSFER_INCOMING | When a movable is requested to be transfered to the output target (/atom/movable/) |
COMSIG_TRANSFER_OUTGOING | When the target wants to send a movable to an output (/atom/movable/) |
COMSIG_TRANSFER_CAN_LINK | Return whether the target should allow receiving items from the given atom (/atom) |
COMSIG_FLOCK_ATTACK | Return whether an action by a thing (/atom) that can optionally be intentional (boolean) is denied because it would harm a flock. |
DOCK_EVENT_INCOMING | Shuttle is about to arrive at a dock |
DOCK_EVENT_ARRIVED | Shuttle has arrived |
DOCK_EVENT_OUTGOING | Shuttle is about to depart |
DOCK_EVENT_DEPARTED | Shuttle has departed |
COMSIG_DOCK_TRADER_WEST | The 'left' trading area on-station |
COMSIG_DOCK_TRADER_EAST | The 'right' trading area on-station |
COMSIG_DOCK_TRADER_DINER | The diner trading area |
COMSIG_LIGHT_ENABLE | Send to a thing to enable component lights on it |
COMSIG_LIGHT_DISABLE | Send to a thing to disable component lights on it |
COMSIG_DOOR_OPENED | When the door was bumped open, send the movable that opened it |
COMSIG_SCOPE_TOGGLED | Sent to an item when its sniper_scope components scope is toggled, TRUE if on and FALSE if off |
COMSIG_MOB_SCOPE_MOVED | Sent to a mob when its client pixel offset is changed by a scope (delta_x, delta_y) |
COMSIG_CLIENT_LOGIN | When a client logs into a mob. (client, mob) |
COMSIG_CLIENT_LOGOUT | When a client logs out of a mob. (client, mob) |
Define Details
Cell can be charged in a recharger
Cell is fully charged
Cell has insufficient charge to do the requested action
Returned an assoc list
Cell has sufficient charge to do the requested action
Cell cannot be charged in a recharger
When invisibility of a mob gets updated (old_value)
When a block blocks damage at all
If an item can be charged
Charge a small-cell (amount)
Get the current charge and max charge of a power cell (list(charge)), or check if charge is higher than an amount (charge), or just check if there is a cell at all (null)
Force an update to the cellholder's cell. Takes an atom/movable that is a powercell, a powercell component, or a list of args for the powercell to inherit
Check if thing is a power cell
When the cell in a uses_cell component should be swapped out (cell, user)
When a cell is attacked, try to initiate a cellswap on the attacking obj (cell, user)
Use some charge from a small-cell (amount, bypass)
When a client logs into a mob. (client, mob)
When a client logs out of a mob. (client, mob)
The diner trading area
The 'right' trading area on-station
The 'left' trading area on-station
When the door was bumped open, send the movable that opened it
Triggers on destruction of a drone beacon
Return whether an action by a thing (/atom) that can optionally be intentional (boolean) is denied because it would harm a flock.
Mouse down while shooting full auto
Mouse down when shooting full auto
MouseMove over a fullauto hud object
Gun projectile changed while in fullauto mode
before ...gun/shoot_point_blank() - return truthy to cancel shoot_point_blank() - (target, user, second_shot)
before ...gun/shoot() - return truthy to cancel shoot() - (target, start, shooter, POX, POY, is_dual_wield, called_target)
After an item block is set up
When an item block is disposed
Append to the end of the blocking section of tooltip (list/tooltip)
Send to a thing to disable component lights on it
Send to a thing to enable component lights on it
Sent to a mob when its client pixel offset is changed by a scope (delta_x, delta_y)
Sent to an item when its sniper_scope components scope is toggled, TRUE if on and FALSE if off
Send item to a mob
Sent by the itemability to toggle the energyshield component
Return whether the target should allow receiving items from the given atom (/atom)
When a movable is requested to be transfered to the output target (/atom/movable/)
When the target wants to send a movable to an output (/atom/movable/)
After an unarmed block is set up
When an item block is created
Shuttle has arrived
Shuttle has departed
Shuttle is about to arrive at a dock
Shuttle is about to depart