spatial interdictor 
Vars | |
canInterdict | Indication of operability; if 0, whether from depletion or new installation, internal cell must fill to set this to 1 and activate interdiction |
chargerate | Current target rate at which the internal capacitor may be charged, in cell units restored per tick. |
chargerate_max | Maximum allowable internal capacitor charge rate for user configuration. |
chargerate_min | Minimum allowable internal capacitor charge rate for user configuration. |
connected | Tracks whether interdictor is tied into area power and ready to attempt operation. |
cumulative_cost | Tally of power used for interdiction in this machine tick. Used to determine presence and volume of the interdictor operating noise. |
deployed_fields | List of fields that the interdictor has deployed; these fields are strictly visual, and outline the interdictor's operating range for clarity. |
emagged | Tracks whether the interdictor has been emagged, removing the device's maglock access restriction. |
intcap | Internal capacitor; the cell installed internally during construction, which acts as a capacitor for energy used in interdictor operation. |
interdict_class | Type of interdictor. Standard interdictors provide only the stellar phenomena protection; alternate variants unlock new functionality. |
interdict_cost_mult | Interdiction cost multiplier. Some part selections can influence this value, raising or lowing the effective energy cost of device functions. |
interdict_range | Range of the interdictor's field; for effects that are wide-band interdicted, such as solar flares, this should dictate the response strength. |
maglock_cooldown | Cooldown after the magnetic lock switches on or off before it can be toggled again. |
radstorm_paid | Set during radstorm interdiction; when true, a cost has been paid in this tick, and further radstorm interdictions inside the tick are free. |
Procs | |
expend_interdict | Things capable of being influenced by a spatial interdictor call this proc when iterating over interdictors. The core function of interdictors is to suppress energy-based random events; other beneficial functions are provided by alternate mainboards. |
radstorm_interdict | Specialized radiation storm interdiction proc that allows multiple protections under a single unified cost per process. |
updatecharge | Small visual update proc used for interdictions that want to immediately show an expenditure of charge and don't need a full update_icon |
Var Details
Indication of operability; if 0, whether from depletion or new installation, internal cell must fill to set this to 1 and activate interdiction
Current target rate at which the internal capacitor may be charged, in cell units restored per tick.
Maximum allowable internal capacitor charge rate for user configuration.
Minimum allowable internal capacitor charge rate for user configuration.
Tracks whether interdictor is tied into area power and ready to attempt operation.
Tally of power used for interdiction in this machine tick. Used to determine presence and volume of the interdictor operating noise.
List of fields that the interdictor has deployed; these fields are strictly visual, and outline the interdictor's operating range for clarity.
Tracks whether the interdictor has been emagged, removing the device's maglock access restriction.
Internal capacitor; the cell installed internally during construction, which acts as a capacitor for energy used in interdictor operation.
Type of interdictor. Standard interdictors provide only the stellar phenomena protection; alternate variants unlock new functionality.
Interdiction cost multiplier. Some part selections can influence this value, raising or lowing the effective energy cost of device functions.
Range of the interdictor's field; for effects that are wide-band interdicted, such as solar flares, this should dictate the response strength.
Cooldown after the magnetic lock switches on or off before it can be toggled again.
Set during radstorm interdiction; when true, a cost has been paid in this tick, and further radstorm interdictions inside the tick are free.
Proc Details
Things capable of being influenced by a spatial interdictor call this proc when iterating over interdictors. The core function of interdictors is to suppress energy-based random events; other beneficial functions are provided by alternate mainboards.
The first argument (use_cost) is the cost in cell power units, charged to the interdictor's internal cell on successful expenditure. It's passed through modified_use_cost to take into account any multipliers on efficiency provided by installed parts.
The second argument (target) specifies a range-checking target for localized effect application (i.e. blocking a radiation pulse). To perform a global interdiction (such as shielding from solar flares), this argument can be skipped entirely.
The third argument (skipanim), if set to true, skips immediate visual update of the interdictor (instead allowing it to update on machine tick). For high-volume blocking, such as shielding a large set of tiles from an effect, this should be used.
The fourth argument (itdr_class) optionally passes in an interdictor class that's required for successful expenditure. This is used for alternate functionality, such as wireless cyborg charging; random event blocking should not pass a specific class requirement. These classes are numbers, but should use the defines, such as ITDR_ZEPHYR. Interdictors are given a class by the mainboard used in assembly.
Specialized radiation storm interdiction proc that allows multiple protections under a single unified cost per process.
Small visual update proc used for interdictions that want to immediately show an expenditure of charge and don't need a full update_icon