body part 
Vars | |
accepts_normal_human_overlays | for avoiding istype in update icon |
bodyImage | Used by getMobIcon to pass off to update_body. Typically holds image(the_limb's_icon, "[src.slot]") |
bones | for medical crap |
breaks_cuffs | Can break cuffs/shackles instantly if both limbs have this set. Has to be this high because limb pathing is a fuck. |
decomp_affected | set to TRUE if this limb has decomposition icons |
easy_attach | Attachable without surgery? |
fingertip_color | fingertip_color |
handfoot_overlay_1 | Gets sent to update_body to overlay something onto this hand/foot, like kudzu vines. Only handles the hand/foot, not the limb! |
handfoot_overlay_1_color | The color reference. null for uncolored("#ffffff"), CUST_1/2/3 for one of the mob's haircolors, SKIN_TONE for the mob's skintone |
handfoot_overlay_1_icon | The icon of this overlay |
handfoot_overlay_1_state | The state of this overlay |
handlistPart | Used by getHandIconState to determine the attached-to-mob-sprite hand sprite |
kind_of_limb | What kind of limb is this? So we dont have to do dozens of typechecks. is bitflags, check defines/ |
limb_data | used by arms for attack_hand overrides |
limb_is_transplanted | Limb is not attached to its original owner |
limb_is_unnatural | If TRUE, it'll resist mutantraces trying to change them |
limb_overlay_1 | Gets sent to update_body to overlay something onto this limb, like kudzu vines. Only handles the limb, not the hand/foot! |
limb_overlay_1_color | The color reference. null for uncolored("#ffffff"), CUST_1/2/3 for one of the mob's haircolors, SKIN_TONE for the mob's skintone |
limb_overlay_1_icon | The icon of this overlay |
limb_overlay_1_state | The state of this overlay |
limb_type | the type of limb_data |
movement_modifier | When attached, applies this movement modifier |
no_icon | if the only icon is above the clothes layer ie. in the handlistPart list |
partIcon | The icon the mob sprite uses when attached, change if the limb's icon isnt in 'icons/mob/human.dmi' |
partIconModifier | The part of the icon state that differs per part, ie "brullbar" for brullbar arms |
partlistPart | Used by getPartIconState to determine the attached-to-mob-sprite non-hand sprite |
random_limb_blacklisted | Can we roll this limb as a random limb? |
remove_object | set to create an item when severed rather than removing the arm itself |
remove_stage | 2 will fall off, 3 is removed. This should use defines honestly but eh. |
severed_overlay_1_color | The color reference. null for uncolored("#ffffff"), CUST_1/2/3 for one of the mob's haircolors, SKIN_TONE for the mob's skintone |
severed_overlay_1_icon | The icon of this overlay |
severed_overlay_1_state | The state of this overlay |
side | used for streak direction |
skintoned | is this affected by human skin tones? Also if the severed limb uses a separate bloody-stump icon layered on top |
slot | which part of the person or robot suit does it go on??????? |
step_image_state | for legs, we leave footprints in this style (located in blood.dmi) |
streak_decal | what streaks everywhere when it's cut off? |
streak_descriptor | bloody, oily, etc |
Procs | |
get_fingertip_color | Fingertip color, used to tint overlays |
on_life | Called every life tick when attached to a mob |
Var Details
for avoiding istype in update icon
Used by getMobIcon to pass off to update_body. Typically holds image(the_limb's_icon, "[src.slot]")
for medical crap
Can break cuffs/shackles instantly if both limbs have this set. Has to be this high because limb pathing is a fuck.
set to TRUE if this limb has decomposition icons
Attachable without surgery?
Gets sent to update_body to overlay something onto this hand/foot, like kudzu vines. Only handles the hand/foot, not the limb!
The color reference. null for uncolored("#ffffff"), CUST_1/2/3 for one of the mob's haircolors, SKIN_TONE for the mob's skintone
The icon of this overlay
The state of this overlay
Used by getHandIconState to determine the attached-to-mob-sprite hand sprite
What kind of limb is this? So we dont have to do dozens of typechecks. is bitflags, check defines/
used by arms for attack_hand overrides
Limb is not attached to its original owner
If TRUE, it'll resist mutantraces trying to change them
Gets sent to update_body to overlay something onto this limb, like kudzu vines. Only handles the limb, not the hand/foot!
The color reference. null for uncolored("#ffffff"), CUST_1/2/3 for one of the mob's haircolors, SKIN_TONE for the mob's skintone
The icon of this overlay
The state of this overlay
the type of limb_data
When attached, applies this movement modifier
if the only icon is above the clothes layer ie. in the handlistPart list
The icon the mob sprite uses when attached, change if the limb's icon isnt in 'icons/mob/human.dmi'
The part of the icon state that differs per part, ie "brullbar" for brullbar arms
Used by getPartIconState to determine the attached-to-mob-sprite non-hand sprite
Can we roll this limb as a random limb?
set to create an item when severed rather than removing the arm itself
2 will fall off, 3 is removed. This should use defines honestly but eh.
The color reference. null for uncolored("#ffffff"), CUST_1/2/3 for one of the mob's haircolors, SKIN_TONE for the mob's skintone
The icon of this overlay
The state of this overlay
used for streak direction
is this affected by human skin tones? Also if the severed limb uses a separate bloody-stump icon layered on top
which part of the person or robot suit does it go on???????
for legs, we leave footprints in this style (located in blood.dmi)
what streaks everywhere when it's cut off?
bloody, oily, etc
Proc Details
Fingertip color, used to tint overlays
Called every life tick when attached to a mob