Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

station bounced radio


brickedSet to make it not work, used by flock victory screech
bricked_msgMessage shown when you attempt to use the radio while bricked
doesMapTextSet to TRUE for your radio obj to have unconditional flying text. Override showMapText() to conditionalize it.
hardenedThis is for being able to run through signal jammers (just solar flares for now). acceptable values = 0 and 1.


associateRadioToMobHandles adding radio objs to the list of radios someone is hearing a message through.
generateMapTextRenders maptext to the receiving radio by default. Set textLoc to the loc you want to render the text on otherwise.
showMapTextHandles the displaying of maptext to a player; called on the actual object that the maptext is generating on. Override in child to change maptext behavior!

Var Details


Set to make it not work, used by flock victory screech


Message shown when you attempt to use the radio while bricked


Set to TRUE for your radio obj to have unconditional flying text. Override showMapText() to conditionalize it.


This is for being able to run through signal jammers (just solar flares for now). acceptable values = 0 and 1.

Proc Details


Handles adding radio objs to the list of radios someone is hearing a message through.


Renders maptext to the receiving radio by default. Set textLoc to the loc you want to render the text on otherwise.


Handles the displaying of maptext to a player; called on the actual object that the maptext is generating on. Override in child to change maptext behavior!