Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesProc Details


0 = somewhere far away, 1 = at SS13, 2 = returned from SS13. -1 = going back to central command, 1 = going back to SS13 Block shuttle calling if it's disabled. Number of shuttle calls required to break through interference (wizard mode) round_elapsed_ticks that shuttle arrives the stages of the shuttle prepping for transit set to FALSE in the admin call thing to make it not recallable Set in New() by map settings Not currently modified Not currently modified where to play takeoff sounds, defined by landmark


incallcall the shuttle if not called before, set the endtime to T+600 seconds otherwise if outgoing, switch to incoming
setdirectionsets the shuttle direction 1 = towards SS13, -1 = back to centcom. Uses defines like SHUTTLE_DIRECTION_TO_STATION
settimeleftsets the time left to a given delay (in seconds)
timeleftreturns the time (in seconds) before shuttle arrival note if direction = SHUTTLE_DIRECTION_TO_CENTCOMM, gives a count-up to SHUTTLEARRIVETIME

Proc Details


call the shuttle if not called before, set the endtime to T+600 seconds otherwise if outgoing, switch to incoming


sets the shuttle direction 1 = towards SS13, -1 = back to centcom. Uses defines like SHUTTLE_DIRECTION_TO_STATION


sets the time left to a given delay (in seconds)


returns the time (in seconds) before shuttle arrival note if direction = SHUTTLE_DIRECTION_TO_CENTCOMM, gives a count-up to SHUTTLEARRIVETIME