The datum used to handle the JPS pathfinding, completely self-contained
Vars | |
avoid | A specific turf we're avoiding, like if a mulebot is being blocked by someone t-posing in a doorway we're trying to get through |
caller_am | The thing that we're actually trying to path for |
cardinal_only | Whether we only want cardinal steps |
ends | The turf we're trying to path to (note that this won't track a moving target) |
max_distance | I don't know what this does vs , but they limit how far we can search before giving up on a path |
max_seen | Max number of tiles seen, null skips the check |
mintargetdist | How far away we have to get to the end target before we can call it quits |
n_target_goals | The number of goals we need to find to succeed |
open | The open list/stack we pop nodes out from (TODO: make this a normal list and macro-ize the heap operations to reduce proc overhead) |
options | Raw associative list of options passed from get_path_to. |
paths | The list we compile at the end if successful to pass back |
simulated_only | Space is big and empty, if this is TRUE then we ignore pathing through unsimulated tiles |
sources | An assoc list that serves as the closed list & tracks what turfs came from where. Key is the turf, and the value is what turf it came from |
start | The turf where we started at |
total_seen | The total number of tiles seen so far |
Procs | |
cardinal_scan_spec | For performing cardinal scans from a given starting turf. |
diag_scan_spec | For performing diagonal scans from a given starting turf. |
search | search() is the proc you call to kick off and handle the actual pathfinding, and kills the pathfind datum instance when it's done. |
unwind_path | Called when we've hit the goal with the node that represents the last tile, then sets the path var to that path so it can be returned by datum/pathfind/proc/search |
Var Details
A specific turf we're avoiding, like if a mulebot is being blocked by someone t-posing in a doorway we're trying to get through
The thing that we're actually trying to path for
Whether we only want cardinal steps
The turf we're trying to path to (note that this won't track a moving target)
I don't know what this does vs , but they limit how far we can search before giving up on a path
Max number of tiles seen, null skips the check
How far away we have to get to the end target before we can call it quits
The number of goals we need to find to succeed
The open list/stack we pop nodes out from (TODO: make this a normal list and macro-ize the heap operations to reduce proc overhead)
Raw associative list of options passed from get_path_to.
The list we compile at the end if successful to pass back
Space is big and empty, if this is TRUE then we ignore pathing through unsimulated tiles
An assoc list that serves as the closed list & tracks what turfs came from where. Key is the turf, and the value is what turf it came from
The turf where we started at
The total number of tiles seen so far
Proc Details
For performing cardinal scans from a given starting turf.
These scans are called from both the main search loop, as well as subscans for diagonal scans, and they treat finding interesting turfs slightly differently. If we're doing a normal cardinal scan, we already have a parent node supplied, so we just create the new node and immediately insert it into the heap, ezpz. If we're part of a subscan, we still need for the diagonal scan to generate a parent node, so we return a node datum with just the turf and let the diag scan proc handle transferring the values and inserting them into the heap.
- original_turf: What turf did we start this scan at?
- heading: What direction are we going in? Obviously, should be cardinal
- parent_node: Only given for normal cardinal scans, if we don't have one, we're a diagonal subscan.
For performing diagonal scans from a given starting turf.
Unlike cardinal scans, these only are called from the main search loop, so we don't need to worry about returning anything, though we do need to handle the return values of our cardinal subscans of course.
- original_turf: What turf did we start this scan at?
- heading: What direction are we going in? Obviously, should be diagonal
- parent_node: We should always have a parent node for diagonals
search() is the proc you call to kick off and handle the actual pathfinding, and kills the pathfind datum instance when it's done.
If a valid path was found, it's returned as a list. If invalid or cross-z-level params are entered, or if there's no valid path found, we return null, which /proc/get_path_to translates to an empty list (notable for simple bots, who need empty lists)
Called when we've hit the goal with the node that represents the last tile, then sets the path var to that path so it can be returned by datum/pathfind/proc/search