Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



announcer_radioThe radio headset that the gang's announcer will use.
announcer_sourceThe radio source for the gang's announcer, who will announce various messages of importance over the gang's frequency.
baseThe location of this gang's locker.
claimed_briefcaseWhether or not the leader of this gang has claimed a recruitment briefcase
color_idThe ID of the color selected
controlled_areasThe various areas that this gang currently controls.
current_max_gang_membersThe maximum number of gang members per gang.
current_newmember_pricePrice to hire a spectator gang member, for this gang
current_revival_pricePrice of the janktank II, for this gang (gang member revival syringe)
free_gun_ownersList of antag datums who have obtained their free gun from the locker so far
gangGreetingsStrings used to build PDA messages sent to civilians.
gang_frequencyThe unique radio frequency that members of this gang will communicate over.
gang_nameThe chosen name of this gang.
gang_pointsAssociative list between Gang members -> their points
gang_tagThe randomly selected tag of this gang.
gear_cooldownThe minds of members of this gang who are currently on cooldown from redeeming their gear from the gang locker.
headwearThe chosen mask or hat item of this gang.
headwear_listMask or hat items that are being used by other gangs as part of their gang uniform.
items_purchasedAn associative list of the items that this gang has purchased and the quantity in which they have been purchased.
leaderThe mind of this gang's leader.
leader_claimableWhether a gang member can claim to be leader. For when the leader cryos & observes (and NOT when the leader dies)
lockerThe gang locker of this gang.
membersThe minds of gang members associated with this gang. Does not include the gang leader.
next_spray_paint_restockString displayed to show the next spray paint restock
potential_drop_zonesPotential loot drop zones for this gang
score_cashThe total quantity of cash that this gang has deposited.
score_drugPoints gained by this gang from drug deposits.
score_eventPoints gained by this gang from completing events.
score_gunPoints gained by this gang from gun deposits.
score_totalTotal score. may not be perfectly up to date
score_turfPoints gained by this gang from owning areas.
spray_paint_remainingThe amount of spray paint cans this gang may spawn.
street_credThe usable number of points that this gang has to spend with. The street cred this gang has - used exclusively by the leader for purchasing gang members & revives
tiles_controlledThe number of tiles this gang controls.
uniformThe chosen jumpsuit item of this gang.
uniform_listJumpsuit items that are being used by other gangs as part of their gang uniform.
used_frequenciesRadio frequencies that are being used by other gangs.
used_namesGang names that are being used by other gangs.
used_tagsGang tag icon states that are being used by other gangs.
vandalism_trackerAssociative list of tracked vandalism zones to the amount of vandalism score accrued.
vandalism_tracker_targetAssociative list of tracked vandalism zones to their required vandalism score.


add_pointsadd points to this gang, bonusMob optionally getting a bonus if location is defined, maptext will come from that location, for all members.
claim_tilesClaim all tiles within claimRange, making all within minimumRange unclaimable.
do_vandalismChecks to see if is one the gang has to vandalise. If so, adds progress.
find_potential_drop_zonescollects and remembers all valid areas to spawn loot/crates
get_random_civviepick a random civilian (non-gang, non-sec), ideally not picking any deferred_minds
handle_leader_early_deathhow to handle the gang leader dying horribly early into the shift (suicide etc)
handle_leader_perma_cryohandle the gang leader entering cryo permanently
handle_leader_temp_cryohow to handle the gang leader entering cryo (but not guaranteed to be permanent)
lootbag_spawnhide a loot bag somewhere, return a probably-somewhat-believable PDA message explaining its' location
show_score_maptextShows maptext to the gang, with formatting for score increases.
show_vandal_maptextShows maptext to the gang, with formatting for score increases.
target_loot_spawnspawn loot and message a specific mind about it

Var Details


The radio headset that the gang's announcer will use.


The radio source for the gang's announcer, who will announce various messages of importance over the gang's frequency.


The location of this gang's locker.


Whether or not the leader of this gang has claimed a recruitment briefcase


The ID of the color selected


The various areas that this gang currently controls.


The maximum number of gang members per gang.


Price to hire a spectator gang member, for this gang


Price of the janktank II, for this gang (gang member revival syringe)


List of antag datums who have obtained their free gun from the locker so far


Strings used to build PDA messages sent to civilians.


The unique radio frequency that members of this gang will communicate over.


The chosen name of this gang.


Associative list between Gang members -> their points


The randomly selected tag of this gang.


The minds of members of this gang who are currently on cooldown from redeeming their gear from the gang locker.


The chosen mask or hat item of this gang.


Mask or hat items that are being used by other gangs as part of their gang uniform.


An associative list of the items that this gang has purchased and the quantity in which they have been purchased.


The mind of this gang's leader.


Whether a gang member can claim to be leader. For when the leader cryos & observes (and NOT when the leader dies)


The gang locker of this gang.


The minds of gang members associated with this gang. Does not include the gang leader.


String displayed to show the next spray paint restock


Potential loot drop zones for this gang


The total quantity of cash that this gang has deposited.


Points gained by this gang from drug deposits.


Points gained by this gang from completing events.


Points gained by this gang from gun deposits.


Total score. may not be perfectly up to date


Points gained by this gang from owning areas.


The amount of spray paint cans this gang may spawn.


The usable number of points that this gang has to spend with. The street cred this gang has - used exclusively by the leader for purchasing gang members & revives


The number of tiles this gang controls.


The chosen jumpsuit item of this gang.


Jumpsuit items that are being used by other gangs as part of their gang uniform.


Radio frequencies that are being used by other gangs.


Gang names that are being used by other gangs.


Gang tag icon states that are being used by other gangs.


Associative list of tracked vandalism zones to the amount of vandalism score accrued.


Associative list of tracked vandalism zones to their required vandalism score.

Proc Details


add points to this gang, bonusMob optionally getting a bonus if location is defined, maptext will come from that location, for all members.


Claim all tiles within claimRange, making all within minimumRange unclaimable.


Checks to see if is one the gang has to vandalise. If so, adds progress.


collects and remembers all valid areas to spawn loot/crates


pick a random civilian (non-gang, non-sec), ideally not picking any deferred_minds


how to handle the gang leader dying horribly early into the shift (suicide etc)


handle the gang leader entering cryo permanently


how to handle the gang leader entering cryo (but not guaranteed to be permanent)


hide a loot bag somewhere, return a probably-somewhat-believable PDA message explaining its' location


Shows maptext to the gang, with formatting for score increases.


Shows maptext to the gang, with formatting for score increases.


spawn loot and message a specific mind about it