Vars | |
antagonist_icon | The icon state that should be used for the antagonist overlay for this antagonist type. Icons may be found in icons/mob/antag_overlays.dmi . |
antagonist_panel_tab_type | The type of tab that this antagonist type should be displayed under on the admin antagonist panel. |
assigned_by | How this antagonist was created. Displayed at the end of the round. |
display_name | Human-readable name for displaying this antagonist for admin menus, round-end summary, etc. |
faction | The faction given to the player by this antagonist role for AI targeting purposes. |
has_info_popup | If TRUE, this antagonist has an associated browser window (ideally with the same ID as itself) that will be displayed in do_popup() by default. |
id | Internal ID used to track this type of antagonist. This should always be unique between types and subtypes. |
keep_equipment_on_death | If TRUE, the equipment is not removed on death. Only works if remove_on_death is TRUE. |
mutually_exclusive | If TRUE, no other antagonists can be naturally gained if this one is active. Admins can still manually add new ones. |
objectives | The objectives assigned to the player by this specific antagonist role. |
owner | The mind of the player that that this antagonist is assigned to. |
pseudo | Pseudo antagonists are not "real" antagonists, as determined by the round. They have the abilities, but do not have objectives and ideally should not considered antagonists for the purposes of griefing rules, etc. |
remove_on_clone | If TRUE, the antag status will be removed when the person is cloned (zombies etc.) |
remove_on_death | If TRUE, the antag status will be removed when the person dies (changeling critters etc.) |
silent | Whether the addition or removal of this antagonist role is announced to the player. |
success_medal | The medal unlocked at the end of the round by succeeding as this antagonist. |
succinct_end_of_round_antagonist_entry | If TRUE, this antagonist will not have their own entry in the end of round credits antagonists tab, rather they will be displayed in a list below the primary entries. |
uses_pref_name | Does the owner of this antagonist role use their normal name set in character preferences as opposed to being assigned a random or chosen name? |
vr | VR antagonists, similar to pseudo antagonists, are not real antagonists. They lack some exploitative abilities, are not relocated, and are removed on death. |
Procs | |
alt_equipment | Fallback in case the antag must have some level of initalization even with no equipment. |
announce | Display a greeting to the player to inform that they're an antagonist. This can be anything, but by default it's just the name. |
announce_removal | Display something when this antagonist is removed. |
assign_objectives | Generate objectives for the antagonist and assign them to the mind. |
borged | Called when the player is made into a cyborg or AI |
check_success | Returns whether or not this antagonist is considered to have succeeded. By default, this checks all antagonist-specific objectives. |
do_popup | Show a popup window for this antagonist. Defaults to using the same ID as the antagonist itself. |
get_statistics | Returns a list of data to be passed to the end of round credits pertaining to this antagonist, such as items purchased, units of blood drank, and so forth. Should return a list of "name"-"value" associative lists. If an item list utilising item icons is to be used, the "type" index should be set to "itemList", and "value" should itself be a list of "iconBase64"-"name" associative lists. |
give_equipment | Equip the antagonist with abilities, custom equipment, and so on. |
handle_cryo | Handle this antagonist entering cryogenic storage, possibly temporarily. |
handle_perma_cryo | Handle this antagonist entering cryogenic storage permanently |
handle_round_end | Handle special behavior at the end of the round, such as awarding medals. |
is_compatible_with | Returns TRUE if this antagonist can be assigned to the given mind, and FALSE otherwise. This is intended to be special logic, overriden by subtypes; mutual exclusivity and other selection logic is not performed here. |
relocate | Move the antagonist to their spawn location, if applicable. |
remove_equipment | The inverse of give_equipment(). Remove things like changeling abilities, etc. Non-innate things like items should probably be kept. |
remove_objectives | Remove objectives from the antagonist and the mind. |
remove_self | Calls removal procs to soft-remove this antagonist from its owner. Actual movement or deletion of the datum still needs to happen elsewhere. |
setup_antagonist | Base proc to set up the antagonist. Depending on arguments, it can spawn equipment, assign objectives, move the player (if applicable), and announce itself. |
unborged | Called when the player is no longer a cybrorg or AI |
Var Details
The icon state that should be used for the antagonist overlay for this antagonist type. Icons may be found in icons/mob/antag_overlays.dmi
The type of tab that this antagonist type should be displayed under on the admin antagonist panel.
How this antagonist was created. Displayed at the end of the round.
Human-readable name for displaying this antagonist for admin menus, round-end summary, etc.
The faction given to the player by this antagonist role for AI targeting purposes.
If TRUE, this antagonist has an associated browser window (ideally with the same ID as itself) that will be displayed in do_popup() by default.
Internal ID used to track this type of antagonist. This should always be unique between types and subtypes.
If TRUE, the equipment is not removed on death. Only works if remove_on_death is TRUE.
If TRUE, no other antagonists can be naturally gained if this one is active. Admins can still manually add new ones.
The objectives assigned to the player by this specific antagonist role.
The mind of the player that that this antagonist is assigned to.
Pseudo antagonists are not "real" antagonists, as determined by the round. They have the abilities, but do not have objectives and ideally should not considered antagonists for the purposes of griefing rules, etc.
If TRUE, the antag status will be removed when the person is cloned (zombies etc.)
If TRUE, the antag status will be removed when the person dies (changeling critters etc.)
Whether the addition or removal of this antagonist role is announced to the player.
The medal unlocked at the end of the round by succeeding as this antagonist.
If TRUE, this antagonist will not have their own entry in the end of round credits antagonists tab, rather they will be displayed in a list below the primary entries.
Does the owner of this antagonist role use their normal name set in character preferences as opposed to being assigned a random or chosen name?
VR antagonists, similar to pseudo antagonists, are not real antagonists. They lack some exploitative abilities, are not relocated, and are removed on death.
Proc Details
Fallback in case the antag must have some level of initalization even with no equipment.
Display a greeting to the player to inform that they're an antagonist. This can be anything, but by default it's just the name.
Display something when this antagonist is removed.
Generate objectives for the antagonist and assign them to the mind.
Called when the player is made into a cyborg or AI
Returns whether or not this antagonist is considered to have succeeded. By default, this checks all antagonist-specific objectives.
Show a popup window for this antagonist. Defaults to using the same ID as the antagonist itself.
Returns a list of data to be passed to the end of round credits pertaining to this antagonist, such as items purchased, units of blood drank, and so forth. Should return a list of "name"-"value" associative lists. If an item list utilising item icons is to be used, the "type" index should be set to "itemList", and "value" should itself be a list of "iconBase64"-"name" associative lists.
Equip the antagonist with abilities, custom equipment, and so on.
Handle this antagonist entering cryogenic storage, possibly temporarily.
Handle this antagonist entering cryogenic storage permanently
Handle special behavior at the end of the round, such as awarding medals.
Returns TRUE if this antagonist can be assigned to the given mind, and FALSE otherwise. This is intended to be special logic, overriden by subtypes; mutual exclusivity and other selection logic is not performed here.
Move the antagonist to their spawn location, if applicable.
The inverse of give_equipment(). Remove things like changeling abilities, etc. Non-innate things like items should probably be kept.
Remove objectives from the antagonist and the mind.
Calls removal procs to soft-remove this antagonist from its owner. Actual movement or deletion of the datum still needs to happen elsewhere.
Base proc to set up the antagonist. Depending on arguments, it can spawn equipment, assign objectives, move the player (if applicable), and announce itself.
Called when the player is no longer a cybrorg or AI