/datum/fishing_lootpool | This code handles different lootpools for fishing
A fishing_lootpool is a datum that stores unified loottables for certain conditions on fishing
These loottables created in new()of a fishing spot and are added to a fishing spot.
These, in contrast to fishing spots, are NOT singletons, since they can be added and removed dynamically (for cases such as a fishing component)
Once someone tries to fish somewhere, proc/generate_fish iterate through all fishing_lootpools and generates a list to pick its fish from
Since fishing_lootpools have their own conditionals, this enables different loottables for e.g. different tier rods or other things such as baits
When adding loottables, is should be paid attention to that a loottable is avaible there. |
/datum/fishing_lootpool/standard | Here can the lootpools be found
Standard lootpool for the standard fishing tank |
/datum/fishing_lootpool/lava_fish | lava fish as T3 fish for fire-sources |
/datum/fishing_lootpool/clown_shoes_loot | extra loot from their shoes for clowns only |
/datum/fishing_lootpool/pufferfish | requires meat to get pufferfish from exotic sources |
/datum/fishing_lootpool/real_goldfish | REAL goldfish will eat the FAKE goldfish |
/datum/fishing_lootpool/tiny_junk | tiny junk items you can find in vending machines and others. |
/datum/fishing_lootpool/charred_remains | charred items you potentionally can find in lava or the oven in the kitchen |
/datum/fishing_lootpool/igneous_fish | A mid-tier fish you can find in hot places. |