Goonstation 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


/var/parallax_enabledWhether parallax has been enabled or disabled globally.
/var/z_level_parallax_render_source_groupsAn associative list of each z-level define and its corresponding parallax layer render source group. See code\map\ for the default parallax render sources for each z-level.
/var/area_parallax_render_source_groupsAn associative list of parallax render source group types and the corresponding instance of that type.
/var/planet_parallax_render_source_groupsAn list of parallax render source group instances that are used within procedurally generated planets.
/proc/setup_z_level_parallax_render_sourcesInitialises z_level_parallax_render_source_groups by populating it with z-level parallax render source groups.
/proc/get_parallax_render_source_groupReturns a reference to the parallax render source group datum belonging to either an area or z-level.
UPDATE_TESSELLATION_ALIGNMENTRealigns the parallax layer so that the centremost tessellated tile occupies the position of the tessellated tile closest to the player.

Define Details


Realigns the parallax layer so that the centremost tessellated tile occupies the position of the tessellated tile closest to the player.